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Monday, April 11, 2011


There are many types of encoding that will enhance how an individual will retain information. Here are a few:

  1. Rehearsal- conscious repetition over time.
  2. Deep Precessing- The deeper the better. Dig into the concept and towards its deeper meaning. Very effective form of memorization.
  3. Elaboration- Taking the idea and extending it. Effective form of encoding. Ties in with active engaging. 
  4. Constructing Images- This is a visual elaboration. We construct images to help encode something.
  5. Organization- Making meaningful connections. Concept mapping. 
Rehearsal is a type of encoding that works well for many people but also can be very frustrating.  For me personally, the continual rehearsing of information does not stick in my brain, it simply gets lost in the translation of confusion. 

Deep Processing for me is the most effective type of encoding. To dive right into a topic and find the true meaning of what it is saying is an amazing way to make information stick. If one can find personal interest in a topic by digging into it, it will stick in their memory much longer.

Elaboration goes hand in hand with Deep Processing. It is really a form of deep processing in that it just expands on a topic with the purpose of finding out more information.

Constructive Images is a type of encoding that truly helps those who are visual learners. This is a visual way of expanding the information that is taken in. This type of encoding can be very effective.

Organization is a type of encoding that works well with both the visual learners and the analytical learners. It is essentially a way of creating visual mind maps in order to remember information taken in.

Encoding can be challenging, but in effect is needed in so many areas of life. 

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