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Monday, April 4, 2011

Erickson's Stages of Human Development Evaluation

I appreciate Erickson's Understanding of the stages of human life more than any other theorist. Erickson's stages are especially applicable because they deal with a persons entire life and don't only speak to the moral and psychological development of an individual for the first few years of their lives. Erickson deals with ones entire life, and the stages they will go through. In this entry I will talk about Erickson's stajges and how I feel they apply to others as well as myself.
His stages are as follows:  
 Firstly, Trust vs. Mistrust takes place from birth to one year old. This is an important stage. An infant needs to receive love and warmth so that they learn who to trust and who not to trust. This stage is a precursor to all of the rest. Erickson was spot on in identifying this as the first stage.

 Secondly, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt happens from the age of 1 to the age of 2. An individual in this stage is pushing forth into the world around them and away form the immediate attachment to their mother and father. They need to make mistakes to learn from them, and deal with the consequences of their actions. For example, If a child reaches out and touches a hot pan and gets burnt, they need to feel that pain to know not to do it again. 
  Thirdly,Initiative vs. Guilt takes place from the ages of 3-5. A child needs to learn to take care of themselves in this stage. They need to decide whether they will take the initiative to brush their own teeth or whether to rely on those around them still. 
Industry vs. Inferiority, is the fifth stage and takes place from the around the age of 6 until the individual hits puberty. In this stage individuals are probably the most curious, industrial, and explorative as they will ever be in their entire life. Teachers have a great opportunity at this stage in individuals to allow them to be curious and use self-direcrted learning. 
  Identity vs. Identity confusion is the sixth stage of Erickson's model. This stage takes place normally from ages 10-20. In this stage an individual is doing their best to discover who they are and what they want from the world around them. This stage can be especially difficult for girls. Quite often girls struggle with self image which directly corresponds to figuring out "who" they feel they are. I believe although I am 22 years old that I still fall into this stage. I still do not fully know who I am and how I will fit into this world. 
 Next we have Intimacy vs. Isolation. This stage normally takes place from 20-30 years of age. During this stage individuals have to make the decision whether they want to spend their lives alone or with a partner. If they choose a partner, they are responsible to search out and find a suitable match for themselves. If the individual decides to travel through their life alone they will not look for a partner at this time. 
 Erickson's eighth stage is Generativity vs. Self-Absorption. This stage normally takes place between 40-50 years of age. An individual has a core intimate relationship but begin to look outward... is it all about that partner? What contribution will I have on those I come in contact with? Will I create a legacy? Will I make a difference in this world? Will I help those in need? These are all questions an individual will face in this stage.What will we choose?
  Lastly we have Integrity vs. Despair. This stage accounts for the years after 60. During this stage an individual reflects on their life. Did they make a difference? Did they leave a legacy? If they are happy with what they find, they will move into integrity, but if they aren't the will mov into despair.
  Theses are Erickson's stages and how they affect all those who come in contact with them.
I leave you with what I feel is the most important question, When you look back on your life, what will you see?....

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