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Monday, April 11, 2011

Stereotyping in the Classroom

Stereotyping can be such a dangerous thing to do in the classroom, well anywhere for that matter. A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. There are many reasons stereotyping is dangerous but a few are as follows.

1. If a teacher stereotypes his/her students he/she will show bias towards a specific group of people. This goes against a teachers principles of how they should be running a classroom. No one student or group of students should be treated with advantage over others.

2. If a teacher stereotypes his/her students he /she could possibly be discriminating against a student or group of students. This goes against classroom policies.

3. Singling out students can be destructive to their learning environment and the environment of those around them.

4. Teachers who allow stereotyping exist in their teaching will cause a destructive environment in which students will not feel comfortable and will in turn use stereotyping in their own lives.

Stereotyping is almost always a destructive action that rarely if ever shows any positive outcomes.

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