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Monday, April 4, 2011

Kanu's 3 Recommendations for Multicultural Education

Kanu's 3 Recommendations for Multicultural Education:
1. The School curriculum should be openly antiracist and anti-discriminatory.
2. Multicultural Education should be a part of every student s education.
3. Students should be trained to be more conscious of other cultures and their own.

These 3 recommendations although are appropriate and mean well, I think have flaws that need to be dealt with.

I have no problem at all with Kanu's first or third recommendations, my problem lies in the second.
Multicultural Education should be part of every students education. I have an issue with this statement. The problem isn't with a multicultural experience, but rather with the fact that in a lot of cases multiculturalism is pushed on students to the point that they learn to despise it. This was the case in my experience. For example, in Alberta Native culture is especially expressed in the classroom, and even more if there is a Native American in the class. I agree it is good to be aware of their culture and to learn about it, but it gets to the point where were so conscious of it that we only learn about that culture. What about my culture? There are for more students with other cultural diversities that are never even brought up and why? It makes no sense to me. It feels as if for some reason we walk on egg shells when it comes to the ''native american'' culture. It gets overwhelming and frankly annoying and discriminatory.
 I feel all cultures should be equally excepted and taught in the classroom.

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